Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh My! I Think I Have a Crush on Phil from the Amazing Race!

In our house, we watch a lot of reality T.V. Of all the shows we watch, The Amazing Race is our favorite. I love the action and drama, and we learn a little something about other cultures. But I must say, my favorite part of the show is the host Phil Keoghan. He seems like a genuinely kind man who cares about the contestants. Plus, he has a really sexy Australian accent, sigh...

This season, one of our favorite teams is Margie and Luke. They are mother and son, and Luke is deaf. I nearly melted when Phil first signed, "You are team number..." when they arrived at the mat. Last night, we watched as Margie struggled through the leg and fainted when she got to the mat. Without any hesitation, Phil leaped across the mat to catch Margie in his arms. He called for water and helped her cool off on the sidelines. I was so moved that I had to rewind our DVR just to watch it again. "I just love Phil," I said breathlessly. The kids gave me a look, and Tyler told me to "calm down." Hubby was upstairs so he didn't hear my confession!

You know, sometimes I fantasize about being on the show (and being in shape to do it). But I do know I were on the Amazing Race, I would not be so lucky to faint into Phil's arms. No, I would pass out on a mountainside or in an alley with Phil nowhere near to come to my rescue. I would be lying there with drool coming out of my mouth and the camera rolling. I'd probably get trampled by an ox or have my fanny pack snatched by a local thief.

Oh well. I'm glad Margie is okay and I hope her and Luke continue to do well on the race. Even if Phil will never catch me in his arms, I can still dream...


  1. For one brief minute I envied Margie. Then I wondered why Phil was the only one to come to her rescue. Because he's wonderful!!! Although truth be told my favorite team was Mel and Mike so I'm sad they're gone.

  2. Yeah, Mel and Mike were nice. Isn't Phil wonderful! You know, he's going on a bike ride across the U.S. He's going to be in my state (Indiana), but he'll be a few hundred miles north of where we live.
